It has never been easier than now to make a fashion statement with regard to the planters we design in the spring. So many colours vividly diverse or monochromatic, contrasting foliage textures plus an amazing line up of annuals and/or perennials beg for YOUR imagination to engage and fearlessly create a combination never tried before…at least by you anyhow.
So BE BOLD!! We challenge you to make a rockstar planter this
year…."Like" our Facebook page to sign up for the contest...then...submit a pic of you with your masterpiece to Horlings Plants by posting the picture to our Facebook page on the post in reference to this contest. Or email the picture to (include your name and phone # if you choose to email the picture). All entries must be sent in by July 30th 2017. Winners will be notified by August 2nd 2017. Our judging will be based on the Best colour combination and WOW factor / Originality. We have put together a little guide for you to go by HERE if your not sure where to start.
So BE BOLD!! We challenge you to make a rockstar planter this

Entries are limited to Nova Scotia residents.
Grand prize will be $100.00 Gift certificate to Horlings Plants
2nd prize will be $50.00 Gift certificate to Horlings Plants
3rd prize will be $25.00 Gift certificate to Horlings Plants